
Reasons to exercise before, during and after the holidays

Reasons to exercise before, during and after th...

Whatever you do, don’t stop exercising now with the intention of picking it back up at a later time! Maintaining the momentum of your regular exercise routine is much easier...

Reasons to exercise before, during and after th...

Whatever you do, don’t stop exercising now with the intention of picking it back up at a later time! Maintaining the momentum of your regular exercise routine is much easier...

Walking Motivation: 5 Ways to Make It a Habit

Walking Motivation: 5 Ways to Make It a Habit

1. Schedule it. If you treat walking as an automatic "must" on your daily list -- like brushing your teeth or taking your vitamins -- then there's no debate about...

Walking Motivation: 5 Ways to Make It a Habit

1. Schedule it. If you treat walking as an automatic "must" on your daily list -- like brushing your teeth or taking your vitamins -- then there's no debate about...

10 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Walk

10 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Walk

Register for a Challenging Walking Event   Walking Event Give yourself a goal and a deadline. Register for a walking event that will be a real challenge for you. If...

10 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Walk

Register for a Challenging Walking Event   Walking Event Give yourself a goal and a deadline. Register for a walking event that will be a real challenge for you. If...

7 Ways to Make Your Walk More Interesting

7 Ways to Make Your Walk More Interesting

When it comes to fitness, walking ranks supreme. Simply putting one foot in front of the other and adding a little oomph to your step has been shown to help...

7 Ways to Make Your Walk More Interesting

When it comes to fitness, walking ranks supreme. Simply putting one foot in front of the other and adding a little oomph to your step has been shown to help...

4 Simple Ways to Hit Reset on Your Diet After L...

4 Simple Ways to Hit Reset on Your Diet After Labor Day Summer can feel like one looong semi-vacation—and it's easy to fall into the trap of the "anything goes"...

4 Simple Ways to Hit Reset on Your Diet After L...

4 Simple Ways to Hit Reset on Your Diet After Labor Day Summer can feel like one looong semi-vacation—and it's easy to fall into the trap of the "anything goes"...